PE and School Sports Premium

As a school we aim to give as many sporting and cultural opportunities as we can to broaden the experiences of our children.  Key learning opportunities recently have been Commando Joe’s sessions, joint PE and Mandarin Thai Chi day, and ballet for Year 1 and F2 children.

Children are exposed to competitive sport from competitions in class, across year groups, a whole school sports day.  We have after school clubs and teams where children get to take part in league, cup competitions and tournaments in the Eastwood & District Sports Association in sports such as football, rounders, swimming, cross country and athletics.  We also take part in competitions and events staged by the Broxtowe School Games partnership in sports and activities such as cross country, ultimate frisbee and hand ball.

We have excellent links with Eastwood Cricket Club and Eastwood Community Football Club who provide coaching and taster sessions regularly at school, and the football club train at the club weekly.

 PE and School Sport Funding 2023/24