School Admissions
The Florence Nightingale Academy is a member of The White Hills Park Trust, and complies with the School Admissions Code and the School Admissions Appeals Code. All applications to join the school must be made through your home local authority. For Nottinghamshire residents, information can be found on the Nottinghamshire County Council website.
Nottinghamshire County Council: School Admissions
The admissions authority for The Florence Nightingale Academy is The White Hills Park Trust. The Trust determines admission arrangements for each academy within the Trust. The arrangements are implemented by the local governing body of each academy. Please use the link below to find out about admission arrangements for The Florence Nightingale Academy.
Determined Admission Arrangements 2024/2025
Determined Admission Arrangements 2025/2026
If you have any questions regarding admissions then please contact Nottinghamshire County Council Admissions team on 0300 500 8080, alternatively, please contact the school office and we will be happy to assist if we can.
If your child needs a school place for next September, and lives in Nottinghamshire, you should apply for a school place through Nottinghamshire County Council.
If your child is starting school for the first time (Reception Year) or transferring from infant school (Year 2) to junior/primary education (Year 3):
- Apply From: 6th November
- Closing Date: 15th January
Other key dates and guidance can be found on the ‘When to apply for a school place’ section of the Council’s website.
Changing Schools during the year
An in-year application is for children requiring a school place during the school year, rather than at the usual transfer time. Applications must be made through Nottinghamshire County Council, please see the link below:
Nottinghamshire County Council: Changing Schools In-Year
The appeals process is run by Nottinghamshire County Council. Please use the link below for more information, or contact the Nottinghamshire County Council Admissions team on 0300 500 8080.
Nottinghamshire County Council: Appeal a school admission decision
2024-25 PRIMARY Appeals Timetable
Nursery Admissions
To apply for a place in our Nursery, please complete a Nursery Application form and return it to the school office either by hand or email office@theflorence.academy
Declaration Form for checking 30 hours eligibility
Applications can be sent in at any time, and the application will be kept on file until the term before your child is eligible to start Nursery. Places are allocated termly and parents will usually be informed during the term before what places are available. There may be times when a place becomes available unexpectantly and then shorter notice may be given. Once admitted into Nursery children must attend for the full 5 sessions each week, term time only.
When considering Nursery applications we will aim to:
- Maintain a balanced Nursery in terms of age (3 and 4 years old), boys and girls in both morning and afternoon sessions.
- Ensure that all Nursery places are fully allocated at any one time.
- Ensure that children of a similar age are admitted together.
Nursery Admission Criteria
Places are allocated in date of birth order to those children who:
- Live in the catchment area with siblings already attending the school
- Live in the catchment area
- Live outside the catchment area with siblings already attending the school
- Live outside the catchment area
If our Nursery is oversubscribed and places are not available, then children will be put on a waiting list and parents will be informed of the situation. Once a place becomes available then the school will follow the Nursery Admissions criteria above to allocate that place.