The Local Governing Body (LGB) of The Florence Nightingale Academy comprises Parent, Staff, and Co-opted Governors who work together contributing to the whole school vision for the future of the school. No single type of Governor has a majority.
The Local Governing Body meets at least 3 times a year to assure the highest quality provision, safeguarding and equality of opportunity for all pupils, and effective support and management of staff.
Through formal reviews the Local Governing Body robustly considers school performance.
The Local Governing Body considers:
- The Academy Principal’s Report – self-evaluation against current OFSTED criteria and any other criteria set by the Local Governing Body or the Trust.
- Impact of key actions from the Academy Improvement Plan.
- Monitoring activities undertaken by the academy.
- Local and contextualised issues.
- Direction from the Trust Board.
Members of the Local Governing Body
Bill Howard (chair) – co-opted
Joanne Walker – co-opted governor (WHPT Trustee)
Michael Bradley (vice chair) – co-opted
Karen Cook – co-opted governor
Nicola Poxon – staff governor
Sara Dunn – staff governor
Jo Walton – parent governor
Lucy Baxter – Head of School – Florence Nightingale Academy
Adam Lumley – Head of School – Springbank Academy
Contacting the Local Governing Body
The Local Governing Body can be contacted in writing:
Chair of the Local Governing Body
c/o The Florence Nightingale Academy
Chewton Street
NG16 3HB
Alternatively, please contact the school office and leave a message either by telephone or email and it will be passed onto the LGB.