We’re Proud to be a Good School!
Our most recent Ofsted judgement in 2023 is that we are a Good School. This is fantastic news, as it was our first inspection since converting to academy status and becoming The Florence Nightingale Academy. Taking into account inspections under our previous name, we’ve now been firmly establised as a Good School in the local community for well over 10 years, and some quotes from our recent inspection show how we aim for every one of our children to “Laugh often, dream big and reach for the stars!”
” There is a strong sense of togetherness at this school. As the Nursery children recite with their teacher, ‘Teamwork makes a dream work!’ “
” From Nursery to Year 6, relationships between pupils and adults are very positive. Staff encourage pupils to aim high in their learning and in the wider experiences of life. “
” Pupils are a credit to the school. They behave very well, responding to the high expectations of teachers. “
” There is a calm atmosphere throughout the school. “
” Pupils feel safe and happy. They say that bullying is not a problem at this school. “
” One parent, typical of many, said, ‘I believe this school genuinely puts the children at the heart of their practice.’ “
The full report from Ofsted can be found on their website.
Alternatively, please open the PDF to view the lastest report Click here to view PDF